
Lucy The CockSucking Angel of Notre Dame Part 1

Published September 27, 2024 tag category
Lucy The CockSucking Angel of Notre Dame Part 1

The funny thing is " it was a line-up that my three buddies and I had seriously considered leaving.

I mean, we'd purposefully gotten out to Notre Dame as early as possible, and dealt with the early-morning rush hour metro crowds, when people are literally packed into the train cars like sardines, so we could AVIOD long line-ups at this huge Paris tourist attraction... but to no avail.

After enduring a moderate line to wander through the cathedral itself, we'd exited and turned right to join what we hoped would be a relatively short line-up of tourists waiting to climb up to the top. But the line just kept going. By the time we'd joined the end, we were almost to the back of this humungous church. It was .

"Let's just see how fast this line moves," Tom suggested.


It turns out that the line-up to climb the tower of Notre Dame doesn't move steadily. It stays still for 5 to 10 minutes, and then a group of maybe 25 to 30 are let in; and then nothing happens for another 5 to 10 minutes; and then the line moves again; and so on. This was going to take forever.

But THAT"S when I saw a Paris attraction that was well worth the entire trip... the sweetest ass I'd EVER seen.

The girl had light blonde hair reaching straight half-way down her back. She had an angelic teenage face (I figured this both because of how perfect her complexion was and because she was obviously with her parents) and a slim teenage figure. And a little ass to die for.

Not only that, but the shorts she was wearing were so eye-catching, hers was an ass that longed to be noticed. I'd never seen shorts like this before: they had a paisley design... you know, like a fancy man's tie. And they were very colorful: a white background, but with paisley swirls of bright pink, and lavender and gold. Man! Her ass screamed out to be noticed!

Otherwise, she wore a thin, almost see-through white sleeveless white top, light brown platform sandals, and a little purse on a gold chain that had a design that somewhat matched her shorts. I was so mesmerized by her ass passing by, I didn't even think to pull out my camera until she was too far away.


I was standing there ruing my missed my opportunity, when she and her Dad passed by again, going the other way. But once again I just stared and didn't think of my camera until it was too late.

Double shit!

And that's when I REALLY thought of leaving the line and just following her; but quickly recognized that even that wouldn't happen. By the time I'd convince my buddies to end our chance to see the top of famed Notre Dame, she and her Dad would be long gone. Besides, the line moved right about then, and then moved again really quickly. It looks like we were staying... and that the girl of my dreams would just have to stay that way.

But I was wrong.

A little more than half an hour later, my buddies and I were let in, and soon were up on top of Notre Dame, taking in the amazing panoramic view of the City of Lovers, when that same bright-colored pair of shorts caught my eye again. I looked up, and there that same was, passing me. This time, I already had my camera out.

Click. Click. Click.

I wanted to get at least one nice picture of her lovely face, so I could continue to attach her angelic face to that phenomenal little tush; so I carefully positioned myself to take a picture aimed towards her, but with something of interest behind her in the distance, while she was looking off in another direction. The first picture" she looked down at the last second... crap! The second" she looked away. Crap encore!

But the next picture was perfect... too perfect, in that she looked right at me as I was clicking. She gave me a somewhat puzzled look as I put my camera down. I tried to cover up by then taking a series of more pictures in a sort of panorama. She finally turned away. And I then turned back towards her to take 3 or 4 more pix one of her lovely posterior assets. She turned to look behind her just as I was taking the last one. I wasn't sure if she'd seen me or not; but decided to move on to another part of the tour... the famous bell tower.

It was in the bell tower that I suddenly found myself face to face with her.

Without warning, she grabbed my sweater and pulled me into another little room.

"Were you taking pictures of my ass?" she asked abruptly.

"Uh... no," I stammered, VERY unconvincingly.

I thought she'd hit me... or claim sexual harassment or sexual assault or something. And, in retrospect, I know it was dumb and wrong for me to have taken the pictures I did. I thought I was in deep, DEEP shit! But she didn't hit me or cry rape. Instead, after just staring at me for a bit, she suddenly lunged forward and gave me a big, long, passionate, tongue-in-my-mouth kiss. I couldn't believe it.

"So you think my ass is nice?" she asked me, smiling up at me with her arms still around me.

"Uh... yeah," I swallowed nervously.

"Do you think my face is pretty?" she asked.

"Gorgeous," I said much more confidently.

"Would you like a better picture of it than the one you got?"

"Uh" yeah" s-s-sure," I stammered.

And she happily posed while I took a few lovely portraits. And then she said something that changed both our lives forever:

"You should see how sexy I look with a big juicy cock in my mouth," she said.


"I'll bet you think I look EXTRA nice with a cock in my mouth," she continued, her hand now rubbing my crotch. "How about with YOUR cock in my mouth?"

Here?" I squeaked.

"S-s-sure," she said, mocking me. And then she slowly (and I mean slowly) sank down to her knees at my feet, all the while smiling up at me as she undid my belt and zipper.

"Be sure to get some really NICE pictures of me," she instructed.

"Uh" s-s-sure."

I glanced around nervously. We WERE in a small room off the tour route, it seemed. Maybe we'd be okay. But my heart was in my throat.

Soon, my cock was in hers (throat, that is), as she finally pulled my long thick and starting-to-harden cock out of my fruit-of-the looms. She smiled up at me and posed " it took me a couple of seconds to get the hint and take a picture " and then opened her mouth up as wide as she could to slowly... and I do mean SLOWLY " lean forward until my entire cock was buried beyond her lips, several inches of my shaft buried in her throat. And then she slowly... and sensuously closed her lips down around my shaft (Oh my GAWD! It felt nice!)... and then waited, peering up at me with her luscious brown eyes.

"Hmmm?" she said.

Oh shit! She was posing for another picture!

I almost dropped my camera fumbling to comply, and my hands were shaking as I aimed it. She just chuckled softly and stayed in place, giving me time to take several more. Surely, one of these pictures would turn out.

And then she slowly started to slide backwards, but stopped after about an inch... and posed again... I was still in her throat.

Click. Click. Click.

And then she repeated this... over and over... one inch at a time. What was it with this girl and pictures?

Finally, just the head of my cock was in her mouth... and she opened wide and plunged again, going even deeper this time, twisting her head right and left as if screwing her cute little nose into my belly. And then her eyes peered up at me again. And even though her mouth was presently hidden from me, buried in my thick, dark public hair, the playfulness in her eyes told me she was smiling.

Click. Click. Click. Click.

And then she started sliding slowly backwards again... not pausing as much, but clearly giving me every photo-opportunity imaginable.

The third time she plunged deep, she tried going even further, as impossible as that was. I thought about her ass in those sexy shorts of hers, and was sure it would look heavenly right now, the material pulled taught by how she was leaning so far forward. How I wished there was a mirror or some way for me to get a better angle!

And that's when Tom walked in.

"I was wondering where you were," he said, not yet seeing the girl feeding at my groin. "Mark, Jeff and I were just about to..." And that's when his eyes glanced downwards and he saw her. "Oh shit!" he exhaled.

"Hmm hmmmm!" she said, looking up at me, tapping my camera and then pointing at Tom.

"What?" Again, I was feeling pretty thick-minded right about then.

She tapped my camera again and pointed at Tom even more emphatically.

"Hmm hmmmmm!" she repeated.

And I suddenly understood... and handed Tom the camera.

"She wants you to be the cameraman," I squawked.

"Shit yeah!" Tom said, smiling, squatting down a couple of feet away and aiming the camera.

"Hmmm?" she said, as she turned her head towards him, my cock still deep inside her mouth.

And the show continued. And this time when she went deep and pooched out her amazing little ass, she paused so Tom could take over a dozen pictures of it, my cock in her throat longer than I'd ever deemed possible, and her eyes playfully darting between the camera and my stunned face. It's clear that Tom noticed her amazing little ass in those shorts too, because he reached out and pulled it towards him to angle it between" and the girl obviously understood, because she shifted her knees to give him a great picture of her unbelievably and he gorgeous cock-filled face at the same time.

"Hmmmm?" she said, as he clicked away.

After a few dozen great photos, she motioned with one hand for Tom to move closer towards her. Closer. Closer. And then, with my cock still in her mouth, she reached out with both hands and started to undo HIS belt and zipper. She was going to blow BOTH of us!!!

In another few seconds, I held my camera again and was aiming it straight down towards this gorgeous teenage blonde, starring up at me with my cock in her hand and Tom's in her mouth.

Triple shit! And she started sliding slowly back and forth and pausing for pictures and alternating between us...

"Hmm?" she'd say every so often, pausing to pose, with her eyes as wide open as ever and staring right into the camera.

And THAT"S when Mark and Jeff, my two other buddies, walked in.

"So THAT"S where you two..." Mark started" and the stopped as HIS jaw dropped open.

"Hmm hmmmm," the blonde said, waiving one of them over and directing me to hand my camera over to the other. She was both the star AND the producer here.

Within a few seconds, Jeff was holding the camera while this amazing blonde blew three of us, her hands holding the two cocks on either extreme, and her mouth popping from one to the next to the next and then back again, as her eyes peered up at us jovially. And still the pauses and the poses and the sweet little mumbles.

"Hmm hmmmm?" she said. "Hmm hmmmm?"

And THAT"S when found us, and I nearly shit my pants. Were we in trouble now!!! Here we were gang-fucking their 's mouth in the bell tower at Notre Dame and, to be honest, we didn't yet even KNOW HER NAME.

"Do they still have guillotines in France?" I remember thinking.

But, in fact, no... we weren't" in trouble, that is. For Mom was smiling and immediately launched into how happy she was that Lucy was having fun (Phew! At least we now knew her name). And we learned about how she'd just broken up with a boyfriend she'd had since age 18, because she found out he'd boinked several of her best friends.

"It's good that she's learning to have fun without him," Mom said to Dad's nods.

Dad even pulled out HIS video-cam and Mom took my camera from Jeff and pushed him towards the rest of us to let HIM join in. And now Lucy was blowing all four of us... and still posing ("Hmmmm?"... and still clearly having fun... and when she wasn't actually blowing me, man! It was nice to just lean back and take in the full view, from her sweet little ass in those colorful paisley shorts and her sexy little feet in platform sandals, to her angelic, cock-sucking face and flowing long blonde hair.

She was clearly skilled at giving blowjobs... sliding slowly back and forth along the full length of every dick and providing just enough spit to keep each one shiny and slick, from its very tip to the balls themselves. And her head rocked subtly forward and back while she did this, so she tended to be looking more upward as she withdrew, providing that much more friction on the shaft with her tongue. She'd slide in and out, in and out, in and out about 10 to 12 times before sliding off and moving over to the next cock in line. And just watching her in action kept us all so hard, even while not actively being sucked.

And all the while she posed for Mom and Dad, with Mom especially encouraging her.

"Go all the way deep and hold it, Sweetheart," she said.

And Lucy did. "Hmm hmmmm?"

In fact, she was exactly like this" her lovely face totally impaled on Jeff's rigid rod and her neck clearly bulging from the cock down her throat" when the first strangers found us. Mom laughed when Dad told them just to form a line. He then winked at his daughter and she just continued sucking. And three guys formed a line while the fourth guy called out to several of HIS buddies in the next room" and now the line extended out of our little side room into the main bell tower loft so everyone would know there was a line" and so quickly the line grew.

Even though he was the last to enter Lucy's sweet mouth, Jeff was the first to shoot his load, and he was quickly replaced by the first stranger in line, guided their by Lucy's mom. Lucy's mouth had moved on to Tom, but her hands immediately found the stranger's belt and zipper and soon she latched onto him too.

I shot my load next, rewarding this lovely blonde teen for all her hard work with one of the most massive cum-loads of my life, which she happily swallowed. The smile she gave me afterwards an undeniable "Thanks". I just smiled back and stepped aside to immediately be replaced by another.

As I stepped back, I glanced down to see Lucy's sweet, sweet ass, and how she'd spread her knees out widely to give her the manoeuvrability to accommodate all four cocks at once. She also had quickened the pace of her head-bobbing, realizing the line-up that was forming and not wanting people to wait too long. I timed them: ten thrusts now took about 10 seconds, and every ten thrusts or so, she moved on to a different dick.

Tom shot his load next; and the first thing he did when we stepped over to stand next to me was say ... ...Check it out... ... and nod towards the entrance to the bell chamber we were in.

My eyes followed his. And then I looked closer.

Oh shit! Lucy's line-up extended out the entrance and wound all the way round the periphery of the bell tower, stopping just short of the bell tower stairs.

Lucy's Mom now noticed this too. She turned her head towards her husband: "You'd better join the line, Dad, before it gets too long," she said. And he handed her the video-cam to do just that while she handed my camera back to me. Of course, no one minded that he butt in near the front of the line. This WAS his daughter, after all.

"Why not?" I thought to myself as I turned to take some "fun family pictures". And then I squatted down near Lucy to start getting some really nice close-ups of her with her dad and three others. She saw me there and her eyes suddenly had a very mischievous look to them. And then, as soon as one of the men shot his load, I felt her hand rubbing my crotch. She wanted to suck me again. I stood up and watched in amazement as she unzipped and unhooked me again. And so I got to stand next to "Dad" as his "baby girl" (his words) got to play with us both. Did Mom EVER have a field day with her camera now!!!

This second time, I shot my load in under a minute and a half, I was so horny from what was going on.

Dad even teased me a bit for being such a quick shooter. But in less than 30 seconds, it was HIS splooge drowning Lucy's tongue.

In fact, Lucy was plowing through her line-up with amazing speed. Every couple of minutes, some new guy stepped forward to join her group of four and enjoy the thrill of this insatiable blonde's mouth. This was a good thing too; because when I stepped back and glanced out into the adjoining bell tower room, I saw that the line-up was now extending down the entire first flight of the bell tower stairs.

It was the older Dutch man who'd been directing people into the bell tower from the second level terrace who discovered Lucy and what she was doing, obviously coming up to investigate the backing-up of his patron line.

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